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"My passion is centered on encouraging and motivating you to develop and share your most valuable asset; you."

Certified Speaker, Trainer, & Coach


By title and career I am a certified Speaker, Trainer, Coach, by character and traits, action-orientated, transparent, honest and fun.  I am the world’s best wife to my husband Brian and the coolest auntie on the planet according to my brilliant niece and nephews.  I am the type of woman who can be found exercising, working on a DIY project or breaking out in a random dance because I believe you can’t take yourself too seriously.  My faith in God keeps me grounded and is my compass.  I have learned that you can never live up to your fullest potential and purpose until you recognize who you are and what it is.  What about you?  


Learning this about myself helps me in my fight for you.  My fight is centered on encouraging and motivating you to accept, develop and share your most valuable asset; you.


My parents always said that I was a fighter.  I have always fought for others. Growing up in New England and the oldest of 4, helped cultivate and reveal that leadership characteristic in me.  You could find the young fighter version of me leading the neighborhood kids in a game of kickball, running a staunch campaign for a seat on student council and serving as captain of my basketball and track teams.  It appeared as if I were destined to lead.  I was.

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something so much, you went for it and waited for it…then failed?

Welcome to the club.  I enrolled at a private Christian college in Wenham, Massachusetts with a major in Exercise Physiology.  I knew this was the major for me. I was athletic and studious.  What I wasn’t strong in was chemical formulas.  I failed critical science classes that were required to excel in the program.  Talk about a major blow to the ego. After picking up the pieces of my bruised post-secondary career I came to realize that I failed not because I couldn’t do the work, but because I wasn’t operating in my strength zone.  After, an honest talk with myself and meeting with my professor I had to accept that this major was not for me.  


I took the time for personal discovery and began to understand where my strengths lied.  It was connecting with people in a personal way.  Along with being a fighter for others, I enjoyed relating, communicating, and encouraging them to be the best version of themselves. This moment was one of many that altered my life.  I changed my major to social work and graduated with my Bachelors Degree.   My sights were set on making a difference in the lives of others.


That is my ultimate goal in working with you.
Have you ever felt so drawn to a goal, a call or opportunity that you could close your eyes and see yourself doing it?


My life experiences have challenged me to grow even in the times when I was nervous and insecure about pursuing my dreams.   It happened for me in a profound way when I revamped my business and attended certification training with world-renowned leadership expert, John Maxwell.  Joining the John Maxwell Team fueled my passion to launch what you are now discovering, Nicole Simmons Leadership; a personal and professional development company.  My mission is to radically inspire and motivate each person to actively and continually invest in his or her personal and professional growth.

Since, I’ve been a keynote speaker for conferences, conducted workshops, trainings mastermind groups and coached many.  The latest venture was launching Recharge Women’s Leadership Network dedicated to creating a ripple effect in developing the female leader.


I am living my dream right now.  I get the opportunity to travel across the country to speak, train and coach wonderful people like yourself who want to grow.  Some label it as a job; I call it, a life worth living.


So I ask, what are you waiting for? Let’s connect and allow me to empower you to lead your life well.  Let’s grow and make your dreams an everyday reality.

  • Certified John Maxwell Speaker, Coach & Trainer

  • COO of Music Schools International, Peachtree City

  • Bachelors Degree of Social Work

  • 10+ years experience coaching & training non-profit sector

  • American Business Woman’s Association – Member

  • 7 years experience as Home Association President

  • Toastmaster, Inc. -Member

  • Serve at her local church - teaching leadership

Nicole Simmons is a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member.  

The Maxwell Leadership Team is a group of Maxwell Certified Coaches, Trainers, Speakers and Professionals, offering workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching to aid in personal and professional growth to individuals, organizations and companies worldwide.


Photo: Nicole Simmons, Founder of Nicole Simmons Leadership (Left),  John C. Maxwell, Founder of Maxwell Leadership Team

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